Belle of India Jasmine: A Radiant and Fragrant Beauty

Discover the allure of Belle of India Jasmine – a stunning and intensely fragrant climber with large white double-star-shaped flowers. Belle of India Jasmine (Jasminum sambac ‘Belle of India’) is a stunning and intensely fragrant evergreen climber, cultivated for its exceptional beauty and scent. This lovely plant boasts:

  • Dark green, glossy leaves with a leathery texture
  • Large, white, double-star-shaped flowers with a powerful, sweet fragrance
  • Long, slender stems with a twining habit, perfect for trellises or arbors

Fragrance and Bloom:

  • Belle of India Jasmine blooms in the evening, releasing its heady scent into the night air
  • The fragrance is intense and sweet, with hints of rose and orange blossom

Unique Characteristics:

  • Larger flowers than other Jasmine varieties
  • Double-star shape adds to its exotic beauty
  • More compact growth habit, ideal for containers or smaller gardens

Uses and Significance:

  • Used in perfumes, aromatherapy, and traditional medicine
  • A popular choice for gardens, greenhouses, and indoor containers
  • Symbolizes love, sensuality, and spiritual growth in various cultures

Here’s a comprehensive care guide for “Belle of India” (Jasminum sambac ‘Belle of India’), a popular, compact Arabian Jasmine variety:


  • Bright, indirect sunlight (4-6 hours/day)
  • East- or west-facing windows ideal
  • Avoid direct sunlight, which can cause leaf scorch


  • Consistent moisture, avoiding overwatering
  • Water when top 1-2 inches of soil feels dry
  • Reduce watering in winter months (Oct-Feb)


  • Well-draining soil with pH 6.0-7.0
  • Mix organic matter like compost or perlite for improved drainage


  • Ideal temperature range: 65°F-90°F (18°C-32°C)
  • Avoid temperatures below 55°F (13°C) or above 100°F (38°C)


  • Balanced fertilizer (10-10-10 NPK) during growing season (Mar-Sep)
  • Dilute fertilizer to half recommended strength for young plants


  • Prune after flowering to promote new growth
  • Remove spent flowers and trim back stems


  • Maintain 50-60% humidity around plants
  • Mist plants regularly, especially during dry periods

Pest and Disease Management

  • Watch for pests: mealybugs, spider mites, scale
  • Inspect for diseases: root rot, leaf spot, powdery mildew
  • Use organic pest control methods whenever possible


  • Stem cuttings: Take 3-4 inch cuttings, remove lower leaves, plant in moist soil
  • Layering: Bend stems to ground, secure with rocks, and cover with soil


  • Transplant every 2-3 years to refresh soil and promote healthy growth
  • Choose pots with good drainage

Special Care

  • Provide support: Train stems to grow upright or use trellis
  • Monitor pH levels: Maintain slightly acidic to neutral soil pH

Common Issues

  • Leaf drop: Overwatering, underwatering, or temperature fluctuations
  • No flowering: Insufficient light, inadequate fertilization, or root bound

Fun Facts

  • “Belle of India” is a compact, flowering variety of Arabian Jasmine
  • Its fragrance is used in perfumes, teas, and traditional medicine

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to provide optimal care for your “Belle of India” plant. Happy gardening!

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