Parijat Plant Care: A Comprehensive Guide

The Parijat (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis) is a revered flowering plant in Indian and Southeast Asian cultures, prized for its breathtaking beauty and medicinal properties. Also known as the Night-Flowering Jasmine or Sadabahar, this shrub-like plant requires careful attention to thrive. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of Parijat plant care.


Parijat plants prefer:

  • Bright, indirect sunlight (4-6 hours/day)
  • Partial shade, especially in warmer climates
  • Avoid direct sunlight, which can cause leaf scorch


  • Water regularly, but avoid overwatering
  • Soil should be moist, not waterlogged
  • Reduce watering in winter months (Oct-Feb)


  • Well-draining soil with a pH range of 6.0-7.0
  • Mix organic matter like compost or manure for improved fertility


  • Ideal temperature range: 65°F-90°F (18°C-32°C)
  • Avoid temperatures below 55°F (13°C) or above 100°F (38°C)


  • Feed with balanced fertilizer (10-10-10 NPK) during growing season (Mar-Sep) or use blooming fertilizer like a 7-9-5
  • Dilute fertilizer to half the recommended strength for young plants


  • Prune after flowering to maintain shape and promote new growth
  • Remove dead or damaged branches


  • Stem cuttings: Take 3-4 inch cuttings, remove lower leaves, and plant in moist soil
  • Seed propagation: Sow seeds in spring or summer, maintaining consistent moisture

Pest and Disease Management

  • Watch for pests: Aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites
  • Regularly inspect for diseases: Leaf spot, root rot, and powdery mildew
  • Use organic pest control methods whenever possible

Tips and Variations

  • Parijat is a relatively low-maintenance plant
  • Can be grown in containers or as a hedge
  • Varieties include single-flowered and double-flowered cultivars

Tips for Maximizing Flower Production

  1. Provide optimal temperature: Parijat flowers best in temperatures between 75°F-85°F (24°C-29°C).
  2. Maintain soil fertility: Feed with organic matter like compost or manure to enhance soil fertility.
  3. Water wisely: Consistent moisture promotes flowering, but avoid waterlogging.
  4. Prune judiciously: Remove spent flowers and trim back stems to encourage new blooms.
  5. Provide support: Train stems to grow upright or provide trellis support for better flowering.
  6. Mulch around base: Retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.
  7. Avoid over-fertilization: Excessive nitrogen can reduce flowering.
  8. Monitor pH levels: Maintain slightly acidic to neutral soil pH.
  9. Deadheading: Remove spent flowers to encourage new blooms.
  10. Repotting: Transplant every 2-3 years to refresh soil and promote healthy growth.

Additional Flower-Boosting Secrets

  1. Evening watering: Water plants in the evening to mimic natural dew.
  2. Soil conditioning: Add flower-promoting substances like bone meal or fish emulsion.
  3. Pinch pruning: Pinch off terminal buds to encourage branching.
  4. Air circulation: Ensure good air circulation to prevent fungal diseases.
  5. Seasonal care: Reduce watering and fertilization during winter months.


With proper care and attention, the Parijat plant will reward you with stunning flowers and a tranquil presence. By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled Parijat plant caretaker.

Happy gardening!